The 4 continue after a quick nap, sparing foes in their way and dodging lots of attacks, until they arrive at the gates of the fortress,

"H4l7, y0u a2e tr35spa55ing"

A bunch of mecha-frogzies surround and take them away, putting them all in a cell, including kari

"Hey! guys! we were wrong, they aren't evil! let us out!" "..."

November tosses kari and melissa through the bars, and they head off to go get th keys

"So, Kari, what did your dad say about us?" "Dad said you we're gonna destroy our world, aand then we would've gotten the human's soul and use it to break the chains locking dad to his throne, and then use it again to spread our kingdom to the whole world! but then dusty, a fellow nightbringer, told me the tale!" "and why do you believe dusty? he could be lying" "Cause, Me and dusty are friends! and dad never said anything about dusty, he talked about a 'Knight from the glow'"

They find a sleeping guard, with a key to their cell, which they easily yoink"Now let's head back!"

they go get november and dusty, and press onward

Eventually, they reach floor 2 of the fortress, where they are met by

"Hello Ratts!"

A taller nepeta looking person is here

"I am here tto sttop you from beatting tthe king in combatt!"

She pulls ou- "*I pull out a sword and point it at you*" :( that's my line, whatever

The heroes walk off, ignoring her

"Hey! Come back here!"

They hop in an elevator and head to floor 3, and are greeted by Alice again, but she's angry now and doesn't have her doll


They almost instantly get into a fight, but November proposes an idea for pacifism

"We could do that boring treat stuff, orrrrr"

November ties dusty to a cake on wheels, and sends it towards her "Whyyyy?" "fun"

She gobbles up the cake and tosses dusty back, it seems to have worked well!

They continue this and the normal stuff, before finally, she calms down and shrinks again,

Hearing the commotion, Red comes back,

Alice hops into November's inventory, [You got The Chip bow! it was added to your armors]

"that's uh, weird"

"Oh, hey, we never named out team, right? maybe we should?"

"I have an idea! All 4 of us will write names in a hat, and Alice will pick one!"

They put names in a hat, and...

The note reads: "Red fanclub"


All 4 look at Red, confused on the name idea

"What? What's wrong?" "let's just go"
